Whenever a customer asks us about the advantages of the Wabash Reefer Trailers over the reefer trailers of the competition, the answer is simple and concrete:
"The Wabash Reefers will allow you to get up to 20% over fuel savings vs. the competition's refrigerated units and at the same time they will provide greater security in transporting your goods".
The Wabash Refrigerated Vans have the Solar Guard system, a system applied in the trailers' ceiling and walls, which allows the load to maintain at the ideal temperature without having the refrigerator equipment operating as long. This translates directly into lower fuel consumption and in thousands of dollars in operational savings for you.
As for insulation against heat and leaks, Wabash is the only producer of Refrigerated Vans that ensures the total isolation of the trailer because it uses a process of high-tech foam filling thus avoiding bubble generation on the walls and leaks in the side posts or faults in them, resulting in a high quality insulation that also allows the design of thin walls.
Another key factor in fuel economy and especially impacting the safe transportation of goods, is that many refrigerated vans on the market use corrugated floors that are filled up with wood, the problem is that besides affecting the insulation against heat, the floor is very susceptible to the generation of fungi, thereby putting at risk food transport.
In the Wabash Reefer trailers, wood is not used in the construction of the floor, on the contrary, the corrugated floor is filled up with a special plastic which besides increasing the level of insulation against heat, it prevents the generation of fungi completely eliminating hygiene risks in food transportation.
Summary of the Wabash Reefer Trailers' features and advantages
Top edge of two pieces
Removable top edge to facilitate the repair or replacement of top arcades (roof trusses)
High-tech Foam Process
All foam components are processed in a flat way and at high pressure. The flat foam process pays off in high consistency and full foam coverage. The high density of this foam eliminates leaks in the side posts or faults in them, resulting in a high quality insulation that allows the design of thin walls.
Insulation Design leak-proof
Vinyl seals between the roof and sides prevent leaks from the roof to the side or from the sides to the ground, also preventing load migration to the walls or floor , thereby giving greater durability.
Insulated trailer's modular door
The modular door of the Wabash insulated trailer provides an optimum insulation with easy repairability. The modular design of the door allows quick replacement of the door's damaged parts without compromising the structure of the door itself or its thermal capacity.
Wabash wiring harnesses
Modular Wabash wiring harnesses offer ease and economy on its repair.
Bifunctional aluminum tunnel
The bifunctional aluminum tunnel that seals the floor, besides providing lateral support to the edges, it provides a path for all connections protecting them at the same time (Wabash patented process).
"Solarguard" roof
Wabash insulated trailers can be built with a "solarguard" roof which absorbs 37% fewer sun emissions during peak exposure, compared to traditional aluminum roofs. This reduces the use of the refrigeration unit by cutting operating costs by 15% or more (depending on the type of service).
Posts bolted to the central beam
Bolts provide a much stronger connection in connecting posts with the central beam, even more than the connection given by steel or aluminum rivets used by our competitors, providing an extra margin of safety when the lift enters.